Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Update and Plans

My first squad of Thousand Sons only needs to have it's chapter badges painted on and their bases painted. I'm hoping I can have them done for Adepticon because I want to enter them into the Rogue Demon painting competition. I'm not sure if I will be able o do it as the Aspiring Champion still needs a lot of work. Still, if I am done, I'm going to enter them. I'll update as I get closer to Adepticon.

Speaking of Adepticon, I'll be there all day Friday. If you plan to be there and want to talk shop, shoot me an e-mail. There might be a chance for some pick-up games, but I'm not planning on it unless someone wants to set it up before hand.

Also, last night I finally got my hands on one of GW's new building kits. I don't have much in the way of a product review except to say that I'm amazed at how heavy the plastic is. I'm also still amazed at the price. Generally speaking, terrain is pretty expensive for pieces that aren't particularly detailed. These Cities of Death building are great quality and pretty affordable. OK,I'm going to stop sounding like a GW stooge and move on...

I also got some new Warmachine stuff. More on this in the future...

One final thing, I have reached a new level of nerdiness. I bought dice that match my army. I ordered these Chessex dice in blue and gold. Perfect colors to match my Thousand Sons. A new level I tell you!

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