Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Slaaneshi CSM

I've been trying to download these for days, but I had some computer problems.

Anyway, these are some early WIP Chaos Space Marines which will have and icon of Slaanesh.

You can sort of see the color scheme on the marine on the far left of this first picture. It's going to be grey, pink and gold. Sexy, right?


slobberblood said...

Need more Noise Marines!
"Insert Metallica music here"

Scott said...

Oh I know! There was a rumor floating around when they started the new bits service that GW was going to be selling a sonice weapons bits pack. I'm kinda waiting to see it that shows up any time soon.

Scott said...

Sorry, that's "sonic"...

Anonymous said...

Maybe it will be a so nice sonic weapon pack!

Nice work. These guys are going to rock... for chaos scum of course!

xNickBaranx said...

Tzeentch scorned?

Scott said...

No, no, no, I'm still loyal to Tzeentch. I've just got to divesify a little.

Chris said...

i can see your dad